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Ship & Crown Pub
North Esplanade, St Peter Port, GY1 2NB
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The Ship & Crown building, was once known as The Crown Hotel, is the site where the Vice Admiral Huffmier, German Commander of the Channel Islands was taken into captivity by the British forces on 9th May 1945.
It is also the location where Juliette Drouet, Victor Hugo's mistress, first stayed when she arrived in Guernsey.
The hotel is also referred to in The Guernsey Literary & Potato Peel Pie Society book.
Dawsey writes to Juliet that he is ...
hauling slates for the Crown Hotel’s new roof. The owners are hoping that tourists may want to come back this summer. I am glad of the work but will be happy to be working on my land soon.
It is also here where Juliet first sets eyes on Dawsey - and almost gets knocked out by falling tiles!