Le Creux ès Faïes

L'Eree Headland, St Pierre Du Bois, GY7

See directions

This prehistoric passage grave is 9 metres long with a narrow entrance expanding into a round ended chamber. The tomb was built during the Neolithic period (c.4000 to 2500BC) and was in use until the late Bronze Age (c.1000BC). Burials or cremations were deposited within the chamber together with grave goods such as pottery and tools.

Local folklore suggests that the tomb is the entrance to the Fairy Kingdom. It was said that fairies came out at midnight on moonlit nights to dance with witches on the Mont Saint and Le Catioroc.


Facilities & Amenities

  • Perry's Guide - 12B5
  • Parking -  L'Eree headland
  • On bus routes - 62, 91, 92