Small Islands of Guernsey

Les Hanois - Les Hanois is a reef system to the south-west of Guernsey, also known as Hanoveaux. They form the westernmost point of the Channel Islands and are the location of the Les Hanois Lighthouse. The Les Hanois reef includes the major rocks of Le Bisé, on which the Les Hanois Lighthouse is built, Le Grand Hanois, Le Petit Hanois, La Percée, Round Rock and La Grosse Rocque.

Les Houmets – Les Houmets are a group of islets to the east of Guernsey and include Houmet Benest/Houmet Benêt, Houmet Paradis and Houmet Hommetol (Omptolle).

Houmet Paradis was purchased in 2004 for the people of Guernsey and is under the stewardship of the National Trust of Guernsey. It is accessible at low tide and is home to a number of rabbits and birds. The Trust maintains it as a nature reserve and as a result, access during nesting season is restricted.

Victor Hugo who lived in Guernsey wrote about the islets in his novel The Toilers of the Sea (Les Travailleurs de la mer). Gilliat, the main character lives on Houmet Paradis:

"This house was called the Bû de la Rue. It was situated on the point of a tongue of land, or rather of rock, that made a little separate harbour in the creek of Houmet Paradis. The water was very deep here. This house was all alone on the point, almost off the land, with just enough land for a small garden. The high tides sometimes inundated the garden. Between the port of St. Sampson and the creek of Houmet Paradis rises a steep hill, surmounted by the block of towers covered with ivy, and known as Vale Castle, or the Chateau de l’Archange; so that, at St. Sampson, the Bû de la Rue was shut out from sight..."