Juas Quarry

Belval Road, St Sampsons, Guernsey, GY2

See directions

Juas Quarry is one of the largest on the island. Now used for storage by the States Water Board - they merged three adjacent quaries by blasting them in to one.

The largest of the three quaries was operated by John Mowlem and another , known as Queen's Quarry, was operated by A&F Manuelle, and their initials carved into the granite gate posts, can still be seen .

Like G B Edwards' father, Tom, Ebenezer's father also worked in the quarries. It appears that Ebenezer's boss is a fictional version of the author's father.

He worked for old Tom Mauger from Sous Les Hougues in the Queen's quarry from seven in the morning to six at night, and took dinner with him in a tin, and a can of tea he kept warm by the stove in the toolhouse, page 4