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St Sampson's Parish Church
Church Rd Guernsey St Sampson
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The Church is thought to be the oldest in the island and the site is reputedly the place where St Samson od Dol landed and brought Christianity to the island in 550AD having studied in Wales. Prior to the infilling of Braye du Valle, the church stood on its shores
The nave and chancel date back to the 12th century and was completed in 1350. The rudimentary tower consists of a double-pitched roof.
The church was referred to in The Book of Ebenezer Le Page. Brothers Harold and Percy were both married here to Hetty and Prissy, Ebenezer's aunts respectively:
The Martels of Ronceval was Charch and the two brothers married at St Sampson's Church on the same day and went on the same boat to England and in the sae train to London for their honeymoon (p.24)