Bordeaux Harbour & Beach

Rue du Bordeaux, Vale, GY3

See directions

Bordeaux Bay is separated into two bays by an L-shaped granite pier and slipway. The northern bay is where a number of small fishing and pleasure boats are moored. 

The harbour was originally built for fishing boats, but when the island's stone trade developed, it was used to load ships with stone from the nearby Bordeaux Quarry. Guernsey merchants were involved in trade with Bordeaux over the centuries, and it is believed that the area derived irs name from trading links with the medieval French port.

The harbour is mentioned in The Book of Ebenezer Le Page - although he spells it Birdo. Neville brings some paintings to show Ebenezer;



"There was one of Birdo Harbour at low tide, and Herm quite close. It was evening and shining peacefully with a few boats on the quiet sea. He thought it was the best he had done so far; but the one I liked myself was on L'Ancresse Common." (p. 365)