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Table des Pions - Fairy Ring
Rue de la Varde, Torteval, GY8
See directions
Though commonly known lopcally as the 'Fairy Ring' and often linked to folkore tales, the Table des Pions is in fact one of the few existing reminders of the cavalcade known as the Chevauchée.
The task of the Chevauchée was, in more recent times, to keep the King's highways clear, however many have speculated that this role was superimposed on a much older tradition.
Facilities & Amenities
- Access - via pedestrian road from Portelet Harbour or cliff path from Pleinmont headland
- Parking - Parking at Portelet / Pleinmont headland
- On bus routes - 61, 91, 92, 93, 94
- Perry's Guide: 32B2